"I'm actually so much better.  I realize prison is the past, my actions are the past and I love myself now.  My family sees that and I'm ready to move forward. I need to thank you. Thank you for getting me back on track!  You're the best damn counselor I've ever had."


"Thank you for taking a chance on me.  I was considering suicide every day, but I knew how to play the system.  You cared.  You didn't just say you cared, you actually showed me you cared by letting me talk about my traumas and not judging me or telling me I just needed to let go.  I've seen dozens of counselors in the past and you are the only one who made a difference.  I'm trying new things and setting goals in my life at 60+ years old.  You make learning and life actually seem fun.  I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your guidance."


"Dawn, you have saved my life and are my angel.  I would not be here if it wasn't for you.  I was so depressed and angry.  You helped me work through that and helped me to see myself in a different way.  I still have work to do every day, but the tools you have provided me have made it a little easier."


"Relationships can make or break you.  I really thought I was the problem, and in some respects, I suppose I was because I didn't have very stable boundaries.  I didn't realize that trying so hard to work things out was actually enabling bad behavior in my partner.  You skillfully helped me navigate those issues and I am feeling more confident and productive in myself, my work, and my children's lives.  Thank you!!!"